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What are your best qualities?

I like that I take initiative. For a while, I waited for opportunities and change to come to me. I realized waiting around will not get you closer to the best things in life. I wanted to travel more, so I started planning trips. Even if I meant I had to travel by myself. I wanted my blog to excel, so I started teaching myself photography, web design and media marketing. Taking initiative helped me become independent. I am also patient and kind. As a dental hygienist, I come across a lot of stubborn people. I've learned that being calm and collected, even when they're making rude remarks, is the best way to get through to them.

Do you have any undesirable qualities?

I tend to procrastinate. I put things off and before you know there is a large list of things that I need to do. I really need to stop doing that!

What do you love the most about your body?

I love my lips. I love that they're naturally plump and full. I know ladies spend big money to have fillers done and I appreciate that I won't ever need that in my life. I rarely wear lipstick to accentuate them. I throw on some Carmex and I'm good.

What is one part of your body you're working on loving more?

I wished I loved my stomach more. That is where I carry most of my weight and it is the hardest area in my body to keep in shape.

Tell us the story about how you earned your stretch marks…

For as long as I can remember my body has always fluctuated. I started to notice my weight gain when I was 8 years old. My stomach was round for a child my size. Then I started to notice stretch marks in my inner thighs and behind my calves when I was 10. I was teased a lot for my weight during the years of primary school and middle school.

What was your response when you first noticed your stretch marks?

At first I correlated it with growing, but my cousins and parents kept reminding me it was from being obese. I was ashamed. It was a constant reminder of how fat I was.