What are your best qualities?
I'm very compassionate and kind. I really try to put myself into others' shoes, especially when I don't agree with someone, and see it from their point of view. I also think I'm emotionally very strong too - I may mull over something for a day but then I'm back to my positive, upbeat self.
Do you have any undesirable qualities?
I can be uptight - it takes me forever to unwind and relax. I'm a hard worker so I'm usually in "work mode" all the time. It takes me a few days to transition from that environment to being relaxed or vice versa.
What do you love the most about your body?
My eyes. They're really light blue and unique. I think eyes reveal a lot about a person.
What is one part of your body you're working on loving more?
My breasts - I've always struggled with the size. They are small, in middle school and high school, some of the boys would tease me about it. I would always brush it off and laugh, but deep down it affected me. I've learned to accept it. Whenever I feel self-conscious, I remind myself of all the things I can do that some of my friends can't do - I don't have to wear a bra, I can do a plunging-V shirt, and I can exercise and run more easily. A lot of my friends have back pain. I'm so blessed to not have to deal with any of that.
Tell us the story about how you earned your stretch marks…
I've always been tall and really lanky. I got into fitness in college after gaining weight in my freshman year. My stretch marks are from my hard work at the gym weight lifting and gaining more muscle - now I'm not tall and skinny, I consider myself fit and powerful...
How did those around you make you feel about them?
Most people don't believe that I have stretch marks because I've always been so small! But I'm proud of them.